A mild drama played out recently in Lagos during a fight between a man, Adetoro Quaseem and his female neighbour, Esther Utibe during which the man defecated and bathed the woman with his excrete. However, the woman was lucky as she ran into her house and locked her door from inside to avoid be bathed with the faeces.
When Quaseem could not achieve his aim of pouring the faeces on her, he reportedly dumped the faeces by her window and left.
The incident happened at Adefimihan Street in Itire, Lagos where they both reside.
The suspect, Quaseem has been arrested and charged before a Lagos for unruly conduct by using his faeces to engage Utibe during a squabble and has been remanded in prison custody.
It was learnt that the suspect had a quarrel with the victim in their compound over an undisclosed matter which resulted in both of them engaging in a fight.
P.M.EXPRESS gathered the drama came up when the suspect could not control his anger.
Out of rage he removed his clothes and discharged faeces which shocked both the victim and the neighbours present.
The victim became more afraid after neighbours told her that the man’s queer action portend bad omen should the faeces touches her and that she may die prematuredly.
Esther then reported the matter to the police, the suspect was arrested and charged before Isolo Magistrates court for the alleged offence.
He pleaded not guilty.
The presiding Magistrate, Mrs O.A. Adedayo granted the suspect bail in the sum of N100,000 with two sureties in like sum.
He was remanded in prison custody pending when he will perfect his bail condition.
This was not the fight time people were settling their rift with faeces.
Months ago, a 33-year old man was arraigned at Ogba Magistrates court for defecating inside his rival office at Agege area of Lagos.
The victim was so afraid as he was told that his business will soon collapse because it was bad omen.
The matter was then reported to the police and the suspect was arrested and charged to court from where he was remanded in prison custody.
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