Doc, why am I bald, but my father is not?


In the late 90s, before my father died. My son used to ask me – “Daddy how come you are bald, but Big Daddy(my elder brother), and Papa(my father) are not?. I cannot now recall correctly how I answered him. I had discussed baldness severally in my numerous write-ups.

Two weeks ago, a young man met me at Federal Medical Centre Umuahia. I had gone on a follow-up treatment. He was a former staff of mine while still in service. After exchange of pleasantries, he blurted out what had been goring him. ” Doc, I am worried, I am growing bald”, he said, touching the top of his head, “but my father is not bald”, he concluded with a worried countenance.

That is exactly the mental trauma some men go through whenever they notice, subtle baldness, creeping in on them. Do you know that scientific studies, have shown that in some families, even twins could have one fellow bald, and the other not. Okay look at Queen Elizabeth’s family – Prince William is bald, his father Prince Charles has a back-skull baldness while Prince Harry is not bald. So the dilemma continues. It has to do with DNA composition and inheritance.

Yes, some chauvinistic, macho-men have appropriated the medical submission, that excessive production of male hormone – testosterone contributes to male baldness, and that it gives bald men enormous sexual virility. So most bald men take consolation in boasting of their sexual prowess and conquests as a compensation for their hair loss.

Most of us, especially men, do not know much about hair, since most women would kill, metaphorically speaking, for glossy long hairs, especially if it is Brazilian.

What is hair?

Hair is found over the whole surface of the human body, except the palms, soles and parts of genitals. There are 3 types of hair – 1) Scalp hair 2) Body hair, and 3) Sexual hair. 1) Scalp hair resembles the body hair of other mammals. 2) Human body hair is very fine and usually less pigmented. 3) Sexual hair develops around the genitals, the armpits, and (in men) the face. It’s growth is dependent on the male sexual hormones produced by both sexes at puberty. The number of hairs on the body varies between individuals, but on average there are about 100,000 hairs on the head.

What are the functions of hair?

  1. a) Hair acts as a protective barrier. The eyelashes protect the eyes, and hairs in the nostrils and outer ears trap and prevent the entry of foreign bodies. The eyebrows prevent sweat dripping into the eyes.

b). Hair also acts to conserve heat. Air trapped between hairs insulates the skin and prevents heat loss. The straighter the hair stands, the more air can be trapped.

c). Attached to each hair follicle, is a strip of muscle which makes the hair stand on end when it contracts, causing “goose flesh”. These muscles are stimulated when we are frightened, cold or under emotional stress, as a protective mechanism, to fight or ameliorate our danger.

What causes hair loss or baldness?

1)• If the hairs lost everyday from the scalp, are not replaced by normal hairs, but by fine, downy hair, then baldness will result. This happens in varying degrees to nearly all men and women.

2)• Hair can be lost for various reasons. Physical ailments that cause hair loss include: a) scars or burns that destroy the hair follicles; b) skin disturbances, such as dermatitis, psoriasis, or allergic reactions; c) general bodily ailments, such as serious anemia; d) and chemical pollution of the body as in mercury poisoning.

3)• Hair loss can also be caused by mental stress. This is because hair growth is linked with hormonal production, which in turn is closely linked to one’s emotional state. The hair grows back when the period of stress is over. In above cases enumerated in 1, 2 and 3, by treating the illnesses, hair will usually be restored

4)• The commonest type of hair loss is male-pattern-baldness. This is caused by male hormone influenced by hereditary aging factors. Nothing, short of castration, can be done about this condition. Not only, can it not be reversed but it cannot be stopped or even slowed down, by any means so far discovered.

What are tentative things people do to conceal baldness?

  1. i) Toupees – This is the traditional way of concealing hair loss. The hairpiece is built from a base shaped to the bald area. Hair is attached to this base and cut to match the rest of the hair.
  2. ii) Hair weaving – This is another way of covering up baldness. It is also known as hair linking, hair extension and hair replacement.

iii) Hair transplant – Hair follicles are surgically removed from parts where there is abundant hair, and implanted into the bald areas. But there is no guarantee that they will grow in their new location.

What is our take this week?

Apart from hair loss that results from an illness, that is restored after illness. All aging or hereditary baldness cannot be treated. So do not be deceived. Remain medically guided.

Please follow me on twitter: @_DRSUN.



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