Stylish and afro-chic ideas for home and offices, DAAR Living

DAAR Living is an African brand for home décor that provides interior styling or decorating services for homes and offices. It stocks and sells handmade décor pieces collected from all over Africa to give a sophisticated afro-chic look to spaces.

DAAR Living interior styling services are bespoke and tailored to not only fit the spaces of clients but also the budget of clients. From the smallest of hostels of a university student to the biggest hotel room, there is something for everyone!

DAAR Living’s collection of one-off pieces of furniture and limited edition home accessories are designed in-house and made in Ghana or sourced from all over the continent including Kenya, Senegal, Mali, Madagascar, and Ethiopia.

Daar Living, founded by creative director, Senanu Arkutu also offers residential interior styling, corporate and commercial interior design services, set design and custom shopping. The company’s interior design has been featured on the sets of the hit series, An African City which reflects the brand’s diversely African aesthetic layered and interwoven with antique and contemporary European and Arabic influences.


The post Stylish and afro-chic ideas for home and offices, DAAR Living appeared first on AmeyawDebrah.Com.

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