“Good day, Prof. I just want to thank God for using you through the application of your oil to answer my prayer in getting a life partner. I have had several disappointments in marriage occasioned by evil powers. This continued until I contacted you and you recommended your oil as a spiritual recipe to my problem. When I finally ordered the oil and prayed as you directed, God gave me my heart’s desire and I am wedded and living happily with her. Thanks a lot for allowing God to use you…”
– Otisi, 08033283232.
“I never believed in the use of any oil due to my Christian foundation, yet my son was dying from a serious illness that was spiritual. Every day my pastor kept praying for my son and kept telling us to have faith in God. I must say that my faith failed me due to my son’s condition. Every day I kept reading testimonies of people set free through the use of your oil; when I mentioned it to my pastor, he seriously discouraged me and implored me to stop reading your column. Prof., it was truly amazing that some pastors behave in such a way. I never knew that your column was going to be the source of my son’s freedom, as I continued reading it and contacted you when my doctor told me to seek true spiritual solution because my son’s case, according to him, was a spiritual case and not medical. Sir, when I contacted you and you recommended the use of the holy oil and asked me to order it, which I did, eventually. I was surprised to see my 15-year-old son who could not eat, talk or walk responding to prayers. After the first seven days of my prayer, he demanded for food and stood up and ate. In fact, the pains all disappeared and he was healed. He has just returned to school and is doing well too. When my pastor saw it and asked me what happened I told him the truth on how we used your oil and got solution to our problem. He was happy and asked me to give him the remaining one, which he used on his sick wife and she got her healing too. Today, he is a faithful follower of your column. To God be the glory in all things … keep up the good work, sir.”
– Mr. Fedy.
Let us take these words into us, “Lest Satan should get advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Corith 2:11. Again, some people are not aware that certain foods sold in our markets today are contaminated. People are not aware of the fact that Satan and his agents are busy daily projecting demonic waves and contaminating missiles to the detriment of those of us living on this planet earth. It is not good to eat everything; it is good as well to eat provided one is spiritually guided. What does this mean to you? Now, biblically speaking, we are instructed by Paul to eat anything without questioning, as is evident in 1 Corth 10:25-26. Furthermore, I implore you to pray before eating.
Nevertheless, one’s spiritual level will determine whether one will eat everything that comes one’s way or not. I am saying this because I am fully aware of the scheme Satan and his agents are applying on people in connection with food. Yes, your spiritual level will go a long way in determining whether or not you will eat anything that is presented to you.
I am aware that, if food is contaminated by a highly trained master of esoteric order and the food is brought into the market for distribution (sale) and consumption, if a person that is not rooted in the righteousness of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ buys it and blesses it with a low degree of spiritual power and eats it, the fellow becomes contaminated immediately. This is the more reason every Christian is encouraged to be strong in the Lord.
Apart from the above, what we eat in most cases can contribute to our spiritual progress and it can as well lower us on the spiritual scale. Look at the case of those that smoke and take alcohol. Unknowingly, they are exposing themselves to the ubiquitous attacks of the evil one.
They are directly handing themselves to demons operating in the fire occult kingdom as well as the ones operating in space without their knowledge of it. This act is very wrong. It may interest you to know that some of the meat that we eat today is from human beings. This you may not know because of your attachment to ignorance and mundane things.
There are higher metaphysical powers of the occult within some subtle and material elements through which human beings can be transformed into cows, goats or otherwise within 27 seconds. This power is still possessed by many today. The power, which originated in ancient Babylon, was advanced in India. But in recent times, the masters of African esotericism have contributed to accelerate its ultimate advancement in the world of man.
This evil power is has played active role in the contamination of some human beings. It is in the occult history that with it the ancient masters of Babylon could transform a man into a beast within 12 hours. When it was advanced in India, a man could be changed into an animal with it within three hours. Now, the esoteric masters of Africa have brought it to the highest point, to the extent that it can transform a man into a beast within 27 seconds.
Dear reader, you need to know that some of the cows, goat, sheep, etc., you see in the market from time to time are real human beings that were transformed into beasts. Do not forget that as you eat such meat, different elements of darkness could be introduced into your body.
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